
When you see a Stopped Emergency Vehicle

When you see a Stopped Emergency Vehicle


Attention Rubber-neckers (just kidding)!  If you spot a stopped emergency vehicle in your direction of travel that has its lights flashing (red or red & blue depending in type of vehicle) reduce your speed and proceed with caution.  How much do you reduce your speed?  Simply assess the speed of surrounding traffic and road conditions (such as rain, snow or fog).  Brake early and reduce speed gradually to ensure you maintain control of your vehicle.  For manual transmission it is better to use your brakes rather than gearing down to reduce speed.  This will activate you brake lights and warn other drivers that you are slowing down.

If the roadway has two or more lanes in your direction of traffic you must move into the lane away from the emergency vehicle when it safe to do so.  Remember to continue to reduce your speed.


  • Stay alert and avoid distractions while driving.
  • Stay calm and do not brake excessively or change lanes too quickly.
  • Roadway shoulders, intersections and highway ramps should be kept clear for emergency vehicles.
  • If you are being pulled over you may come to a stop on the shoulder of the roadway. Stay clear of traffic and follow the officer’s directions.

Penalties and fines will be issued if a driver fails to react to an approaching or stopped emergency vehicle.  A first offense alone can see fines of $400-2,000 and 3 demerit points. A second offence within 5 years has higher penalties and possibly jail time with suspension of driver’s licence.