
Black History Month / Keirah VanDusen

Black History Month

As a father of 3 daughters - ages 20, 18 and 14 - I can share I am extremely proud of each of them. For their school work (the older two are attending University), gratefulness, the kindness of their souls and for their social consciousness. They are very disciplined and hard working.

It has always made me happy to see them participating with us in giving back to our community.

This week, our oldest daughter participated in a panel discussion on Black History Month. This was connected to her role on the Town of Ajax Anti-Black Racism Task Force - A position she felt compelled to volunteer for and support.

To see her speak clearly and so eloquently in this digital format really once again impressed me and generated an immense level of pride.

Watching her grow and on her own contribute willingly and skillfully giving back to our community is something we feel special about.

We support inclusion and diversity not only in our business, but also our home.

We are proud of you Keirah!

Please find the link of the panel discussion here...