
Emergency Preparedness Week

Emergency Preparedness Week


How Prepared are you?

May 3 to 9, 2015 is Emergency Preparedness Week. Public Safety Canada co-ordinates this annual event with the provinces, territories and partners.

What do you do in the event of natural disaster? What will you need? Consider creating a personalized Emergency Preparedness Action Plan.

Your plan should contain:

  • A list of steps you will need to be prepared
  • Tips on hazards unique to your community
  • Information relating to any special needs your family may have

No one wants to plan for an emergency, but we should all be prepared for one. Take action now! It’s as simple as using this online planner.

What Goes Into an Emergency Survival Kit?

A survival kit should contain everything each family member will need for at least 3 days following an emergency.

Some Essentials:

  • Non-perishable food and easy to prepare items. Don’t forget the manual can opener
  • 4 litres of bottled water per person per day
  • Medications and first-aid kit
  • Flashlights, candles and matches or lighter
  • Crank or battery operated radio with extra batteries
  • Important papers such as identification, contact lists and prescriptions
  • Cash and extra car keys

Make special considerations for items needed to feed and comfort babies and young children. Keep medical supplies and equipment stocked up and make sure your pet supplies are as well. Keep your cell phones full charged and look into an external power source. Emergency Management Ontario has some great tips and kit building instructions.